Thursday, May 24, 2012

World Missions to all People

Acts 2:14-24

""in the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people""
(Acts 2:17a)

World Missions To All People

 written by: Derl G Keefer
(District Superintendent,
Wisconsin District Church
of the Nazarene)

Recently I Googled "all people" and an interesting page caught my attention. It contained some fascinating demographics. If we could  reduce the world's population to a village of precisely 100 people here is how the world would look:

+ 60 Asia, 14 Africans, 12 Europeans, 8 Latin Americans, and 5 United States Citizens and Canadians.
+ 51 percent male and 49 percent female.
+ there are 33 Christians and 67 non-Christians
+ 67 would be unable to read
+ 1 would have a college education and 99 would not.
+ 50 would be malnourished and 1 dying of starvation*

According to the website, if you are able to go to church, mosque, or synagogue without fear of harassment,  arrest, torture,or death, you are happier then 3 billion persons in this world. 

The gospel message is that Christ has come to redeem everyone in the world community past, present, and future. His Holy Spirit has come to unite the world in harmony with the living God. Our task as Christians is to share Jesus and to proclaim holiness unto the Lord! How are we doing with our missionary endeavor?

It is not in our choice to spread the gospel or not. It is our death if we do not (Peter Taylor Forsyth)

* Derl G. Keefer, Open Doors (Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing, 2001), 55.


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